DIY Hermès Summer Caftan Tutorial

I am crazy about all things light and airy this summer.

So when I spotted flowy caftans on the runway this spring,
like this amazing Hermès dress,
I knew I need to make one…
or more like a weeks worth. 

The caftan seen in my last post with the DIY Missoni Earrings used this similar pattern, except I color blocked it.

The pattern is super easy, if you can sew straight lines, you can sew THIS dress.

If you cannot sew straight lines, you can totally find someone that could.

It’s easy, on trend, effortless to make, and it’s practically calling YOUR name.

DIY Hermès Summer Caftan Fashion Tutorial

DIY Hermès Summer Caftan Fashion Tutorial

Here’s what you need to recreate this Hermès caftan spring/summer look,

  • Fabric, enough for desired length, if you see the whole collection, the dress comes in a variety of lengths and sheers. Any flowy fabric like a soft rayon, jersey, or chiffon are ideal for this look.
  • Thread to match

The picture below is the diagram I used to make this dress in this post,
DIY Hermès Summer Caftan Fashion Tutorial


  1. Fold Fabric lengthwise so the selvages meet.
  2. Cut out neckline. I cut a little extra out in the front neckline (just one side).
  3. Cut out sleeves and body according to diagram dimensions,
    (blending that corner armpit line so it’s more curved than angular)
    you may need to alter the fit to desired measurements (less or more depending on your size).
    I am a dressmaker’s size “12” which translate to a “2 or 4” at Old Navy.
  4. Hem sleeves and hem of dress.
  5. Sew sides of the dress starting from sleeve and end around knee length, so you have a flowy slit.
  6. Finish slit edges.
  7. You’re DONE! 


DIY Hermès Summer Caftan Fashion Tutorial

DIY Hermès Summer Caftan Fashion Tutorial

I did use a scrap fabric and tied it around my waistline but I love uncinching for an extra flowy look.

They are so cool right now and practically the “sweatpants” of dresses because these dresses are so comfy.

You could also use very sheer fabric and used it as a beach cover up.

So what are you waiting for? Stop reading and go out and make something fun for yourself this summer!!


DIY Hermès Summer Caftan Fashion Tutorial




Add yours
    • 12

      Thanks Lindsey! I loved this specific comment, because one always risk something looking homemade-ish when you make it yourself and I always worry about! So I am glad to read your comment! xoxo

    • 14

      YES! You can totally make it.
      The fabric, it’s the best right?
      I wish one could buy it by the yard but I got it at Michael Levine’s The Loft in downtown LA. The loft has scraps to left over yards of fabric and sells the remnants by the pound.
      It’s a treasure hunt for sure in that place. I wish the their main store had it by the yard. Thanks Alexis! xoxoxoxoxo

  1. 15

    The style of that maxi dress is lovely. I also love the bright purples and pinks. Gorgeous florals. I want one like it. You styled it effortlessly as usual, Riva. =)
    Happy May Mamma!

    Hope all is well. Welcome by sometimes. >3 Ada.

  2. 24

    SUPER CUTE, LOVE IT! I especially like the fabric you chose for your dress. I’ll def be adding this tutorial to my DIY board on Pinterest. I, like you, am a DIYer too. When you get the chance check out my lastest DIY project at
    Lots of Love

  3. 27

    You look great. I never did learn to sew. Bummer. Thanks for linking up at Who’s Wearing What Wednesdays at Pastries, Pumps and Pi!

  4. 30
    Biki John

    I looove caftans, they are so eazy breezy glam! The floral print on yours is fab and contrasts nicely with the graphic print of your clutch. Have a gd wkend!

  5. 34

    I made a couple of simple maxi dresses a couple of years ago, similar but no sleeve shaping at all, I think I will try taking just a bit from the sides to make a bit of a sleeve as you have here, I love the way this hangs. You fabric is SO lovely though, I’ve been reading in the comments above about where you got it, I’ll have to keep my eyes open for something similar and just makeover my existing dress for now!

  6. 39
    Refashion Tutorials

    I found this post while looking for inspiration to refashion some scarves that I love but never seem to wear. I’m going to use one scarf for the front and one for the back. I’ll need to sew a shoulder seam but it’s worth it to have a reversible caftan 🙂
    I’ll take pics and post the over at Irish Attic.

  7. 43

    Could you give. Little more detail.. What type of machine did you use? How did you finish the seams? What kind of needle ??

    • 44

      All of those are great questions and depend entirely on the fabric you use and the finishing you want on your garment.
      For this particular dress, I used my handy dandy bottom of the line Bernina sewing machine on this sheer, polyester jersey with a size 70 universal needle. Had it been a silk chiffon, I would have to tweak the sewing and finishing process a little. Hope this is helpful!! Thank you for your questions Kay! xoxo

  8. 45

    I know, I know…I am not really the grammar police. But YOUR DONE, should be YOU’RE DONE. It is just so distracting and I always think it makes whoever wrote the mistake less credible because of poor grammar. However, on a happier note, love the tutorial and will be giving this a try. Thank you so much for sharing.

    • 46

      Thanks Shannon for you’re comment – see what I did there, HA! 😉
      Luckily, it’s a mistake I don’t make often; additionally, it happens to be one of my grammar-related pet peeves, so thanks for pointing that out. So embarrassed!
      With that said, I will most likely make more in the future, please forgive me as this is just a fashion site that I do in my free time for the most amazing readers ever! xo

    • 48

      AWESOME question, Shannon. I did not mention in step 2 how much “extra” I took out the front, I thought this would be a great way for readers to customize their own neckline.
      I would start with a half inch, try it, see how you like it, and re cut as needed to suit your style. Thank you again for your comments!! xoxo

  9. 49

    Beautiful dress. Would look stunning on anyone. I noticed you didn’t mention how you finished the neckline. Did you use some of the remnant and finish it ?

  10. 56

    Hi! I want t make a white linen one, cuffed sleeves below elbow length…so would I just cut the sleeves about 10” and adjust before hemming?
    Thanks, Suzan

  11. 61
    Catherine Smith

    I really like the look of this dress!! how much fabric do we need yards or metres? I know that the width is 62 inches but you never give the the yardage or meters.

    • 62

      Great question! I did not leave a length measurement on purpose, with everyone at different height, you can decide how long (or short) you want, Thank you Catherine for your question!! xo

      • 63
        Catherine Smith

        Thank you for replying to my question if I wanted the length that you are wearing in the picture what is the yardage or meters?

    • 69

      Sorry i didn’t catch this sooner, that it completely to you and your preference. You can make it longer or shorter depending on your needs, 3 to 4 yards is a good place to start. Good luck Emily 🙂

  12. 70
    Darcy Lewis

    Could you please include a photo of the Hermes inspiration garment? All your links of course no longer lead to that dress/ collection bc it is not the current season. Would love to see your old caftan post too, but that link is dead too.


    • 71

      Thank you so much for letting me know about those pictures, there was an update and it messed with a few things. Hope this works for you now 🙂 thank you

  13. 72
    Carole Lane

    Really cute and very practice but…….. I am neither a pattern size 12 or shops size 2 or 4 so I need to know how to make it bigger for me please.

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